Visual studio code git first time
Visual studio code git first time

visual studio code git first time

Vs code assuming that you are missing source control provider, so another question is: where to get it? You could go to the official GIT website and choose your OS here (I assume a big chunk of Business central using Windows) here. If you open Visual studio code and go to the Source Control tab (ctrl + shift + g), you should see something similar to this:

visual studio code git first time

I assume you are new with the idea of source control and GIT usage in your project code managing, so where is the start point? If you guess that you need to setup something, you are right. So, if you are interested in AL code management with GIT, keep on reading.

visual studio code git first time

In the second article, I will talk about the Remote repository setup and a short guide on how to use GIT in daily development. In the first article, I‘m going to talk about how to setup GIT and one additional tool named GitExtensions, in order to make GIT as easily understandable as possible. In these two articles series, I‘m going to talk about how to start using these amazing tools. With AL and Visual studio code, we finally get native integration with GIT. As you know, in the previous versions of NAV, you could use GIT, but in most cases, you needed some third party Addin. Probably most of you heard about AL code management with GIT, which is one of the most popular tools for this purpose.

Visual studio code git first time