Call of duty cold war campaign mission list
Call of duty cold war campaign mission list

call of duty cold war campaign mission list

Once you and Reznov enter the building and Sergei begins busting down a door to the arms lockers, head up the first set of stairs. Simply follow Reznov until you are outside and reach Step 4 of the revolt.

call of duty cold war campaign mission list

You'll meet Reznov and will start a revolt where you and the other prisoners attempt to escape the prison. At the top of the path, when Bowman opens the door to the building, walk straight to the crates ahead and you'll find Intel 1/42 on the crate with the RPG.Ĭontinue fighting into the next building, and when you and Woods breach the second door, make sure you shoot the man (Castro) in the head to unlock: Objective: Use Zipline to Infiltrate the Compound Find and Kill CastroĪfter you use the zipline, melee the soldier then continue along the path. Keep following Woods until you enter the driver's seat of a car, then follow the directions on-screen to drive the car until you're back in the torture chair. Follow Woods throughout the street as you take out enemies, and make sure to use your grenade launcher on the cars. After an altercation with a soldier, you'll be given a gun and will slowly learn the basic controls of the game. Play through the opening cutscenes and you'll eventually be in a bar with Woods and Bowman.

Call of duty cold war campaign mission list